A guide to finding happiness in your life and in your games.

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A blog about finding happiness in your life, and in your games.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Achievement Jealousy

The other day I was cuddled up with my girlfriend while she was playing the debatably incredible game L.A Noire.

I had beaten the game already and now she wanted to give it a shot.

As she wrapped up questioning the last suspect, something happened.

'Bleep bloop'

That cocaine of an audio snippet that so many gamers crave.

She got an achievement! 

I always get excited for her when she unlocks an achievement. Unlocking achievements, as inconsequential as they may be, is always exciting, so much so, that it's even exciting for me when other people get them.

But what's this?

She unlocked an achievement that I never got in my time with the game!


Ever get that feeling?

You ever see someone who has an achievement or a trophy in a game that you don't have?

These feelings work great for getting you to spend more time with a game working to match your buddies' achievements, but you shouldn't let it get to you.

Just because someone has something you don't shouldn't mean that you spend your time fixating on getting that thing for yourself as well.

You have better ways to spend your energy than on jealousy.

Be happy for them.

This applies to achievements, trophies, in game items, and, get this, real life!

Not too long ago a friend of mine managed to get his hands on 4 unique Boba Fett miniatures pieces for the Star Wars miniatures game.

I am a HUGE Boba Fett fanboy. (Just look through the IJAG store and see how many Boba Fett items I own. I have even more that aren't listed.)

So when my friend got those awesome figures for super cheap, I was naturally pretty jealous. 

But I let it go.

You too need to learn to let go of things when you get jealous.

Jealousy is just as beneficial to you as anger. It's not beneficial at all.

Learn to be happy for others who have things rather than wishing you had them for yourself. Jealousy can only lead to broken relationships and contempt.

Being happy is always the best way to go about life.

Someone else get an achievement or a trophy that you don't have?

Cool. Good for them.

You might get it eventually, or you might not. Either way it doesn't matter.

Enjoy you game.

Live your life without jealousy.

Enjoy your life.

In case you missed it, your first objective in The Quest is up. 

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