A guide to finding happiness in your life and in your games.

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A blog about finding happiness in your life, and in your games.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Pointless Distraction?

I recently had a poll up on the side of the page asking what you'd all like me to write about next. To my surprise browser games came out on top in that poll. And so, by popular demand, a post on browser games.

Personally, I don't play browser games.

I find them to be rather pointless. A waste of time. A meaningless distraction.

Perhaps those of you who regularly play browser games could argue otherwise. Feel free to comment below.

I want you to be happy, remember?

Would you be happier if you spent an hour or more of your day sitting at your computer playing Family Feud on Facebook, or if you actually took that time to do something more with yourself; something fulfilling.

Next time you start to play a distracting browser game, just stop and think about it. Use these small games that you enjoy so much as a reward for getting things done, rather than something that keeps you from getting things done.

Set away some time to work on whatever you need to get done, whether its your homework, working out, cleaning your room, or anything. Once you do what you need to do, then you can reward yourself with browser games.

I find this tool to be very helpful, and maybe you will too. It's called Focus Booster. You can adjust the times, so you can work for a half hour, and then have a ten minute browser game break for example.

I feel that working like this greatly increases your productivity without making you feel drained.

I'm not saying cut these games out of your life, but play them in a way that isn't just eating up time you could be using to get things done. Time you could be doing so much more with yourself.

When you look back on things years later, I'm sure you'll wish you had spent all that time on other things rather than browser games.

So don't forget,

Enjoy your game.

Enjoy your life. 

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