A guide to finding happiness in your life and in your games.

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A blog about finding happiness in your life, and in your games.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cheetos Again?

Gamers tend to have a bad rep when it comes to health and snacking habits; long sessions fueled by Mt. Dew or Monster. Draining bags of chips in one sitting.

Is this you?

I haven’t always been the healthiest person either. I'm still not. 

I remember back in high school I went to a Video Game Design Camp. It was awesome. I had 2 cans of Rock Star energy a day and very little sleep. 

Holy shit right?
Not good.

I’ve never really bothered to care too much about what I eat.

“That’s for dramatic girls.” I always thought.

Well recently I’ve started gaining weight. I’m not happy about it. So I decided to make some changes in my life.

I absolutely refuse to eat at McDonalds, Burger King, or any places like that. When I get fast food it’s Subway, Pita Pit, Jimmy Johns, Quiznos, or something like that. Yum.

Instead of snacking on bags of chips I now reach for other things. Dried fruit is awesome. Trail mixes are yummy. (One of my favorites is one called Brotherhood Mix. I eat it while playing Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood while hanging out with my fraternity brothers. Maximum brotherhood!)

Nature Valley bars are awesome.

Instead of stocking my fridge with soda, I fill it with things like V8 (the good kind not the nasty shit), various kinds of bottled tea (Arizona RX Stress is my thing right now), or even just Gatorade. Opt for the stuff without high fructose corn syrup.

I’ve also recently started exercising thanks to Nerd Fitness. Hopefully by the end of the summer I’ll have my body back the way I want it.

You need to examine your own eating/snacking habits and decide if you need to make changes in your own life.

Can’t live without caffeine you say?

Bull shit.

Just to try it out, I decided to not have any caffeinated beverages during lent. I did without any problems.
After the first week you won’t even miss it.

Now I’ve decided to limit myself to only one caffeinated beverage a week. It’s my little weekly treat.

I want you to be happy.

Guess what.

Making progress towards being healthy makes you happy.

Trust me, I know firsthand.

I’m doing what I can to take steps towards being healthy, and you can too.

Healthiness is proportional with happiness.

So make a change.

Enjoy your game.

Enjoy your life.

1 comment:

  1. Something to keep in mind is that being in better health can make you a better gamer. A healthier person has better reflexes then the overtired caffeinated person that's starting to show signs of malnutrition.(I am exaggerating but its still true)


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